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praveen - Wed, 2014/01/08 - 08:58
I am trying to setup a Host only VM that I could access even when I am not on any network, I have selected Host only Adapter in the Settings and the name of the adapter is vboxnet0, Now when I start the Turn Key VM , it is not able to get any IP from DHCP , thus what settings should I enter for it to become static IP ? what values to be given for IP address,netmask, Default Gateway and Name Server ?
I take it you're using VirtualBox?
I'm not a VirtualBox user myself so can't help much other than to suggest you make sure the VirtualBox DHCP server is installed and running.
I found some VirtualBox networking specifics here
I'm sure you could configure a static ip/netmsak/gateway/etc, but the values would depend upon how you have vboxnet0 configured
Eric's on the money!
IIRC if you haven't used Host-only networking before you'll need to configure it. It's really easy...
In Win7 it's
File >> Preferences >> Network (in the left pane of the preferences window) >> Host only networks (tab in right pane) >> Edit (screwdriver button on the right) >> DHCP Server (tab in window that opens)
Tick enable and set the config of the DHCP server as desired and you should be right to go. It may be slightly different in Ubuntu but should be pretty similar...
clipbucket site open problem
when try to access clipbucket than open first page ony charter not graphic i am not use clipbucket anymore
kindly suggest me what will i do ? i am turnkey clipbucket version 13 on oracle virtual machiche?
Clipbucket has known issues
And the core devs are working on a fix...
Also probably best to start a new thread for discussions such as this (as it doesn't really apply to this thread...
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