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Jeff Lain - Mon, 2014/09/22 - 20:10
I was excited and relieved to see that Vtiger 6.1GA has been released. At last! PHP 5.4/5.5 and MySQLi are supported.
Dare we hope that TKL will follow up quickly with new version of the Vtiger appliance? Please say yes!
Hi guys...
Great news. And TKL follow up - yes! Whether it will be 'quick' is unfortunately unlikely... We are snowed under with current development updating some vital infrastructure, but we will get back to the v13.1 update release as soon as we can. Sorry to keep you waiting...
If you'd like to push forward the release of the updated appliance then please feel free to set yourself up with TKLDev and update the vTiger appliance build code.
No worries
Sorry that I can't give anything specific. We're a small (but dynamic and committed) team and have a lot on at the moment. It will be out as soon as possible but unfortunately that won't probably be anywhere near as soon as we'd like...
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