EdNett's picture

I just updated my jessie server to php 5.6.14 and mariadb 10.0.22 and can't login to anything except one drupal 7 site!. The login page of phpmyadmin, owncloud, various email front ends - just refreshes and does not authenticate me. I noticed that php 5.6.15 includes a fix for a bug in mcrypt, but It isn't in debian jesie sources yet, so I installed php 5.5.30 and still have the same problem.  Am running apache 2.4 latest stable. All stable, nothing experimental on this server.


Can anyone point me in the right direction on how to resolve this. I have reinstalled mariadb-client and server, doesn't help. 


Thanks for any help; I can't find anything liek a sloking gun in the logs, but don't really know where to look.



Jeremy Davis's picture

But I have never used MariaDB (we still use MySQL) and have only ever used PHP 5.6.14 that comes with Jessie. Out of interest, what issues does the mcrypt bug you mention cause? We have a lot of software that relies on PHP and I haven't come across anything weird (that I've noticed anyway)...

Also was there a particular reason why you use MariaDB and not MySQL? I know that Oracle own MySQL now and I'm not their biggest fan, but for our intents and purposes we find that MySQL still works well. As Debian still suggest it as their default SQL DBS we have stuck with it. Also I know that early versions of Maria were 100% compatible with MySQL but I vaguely recall reading somewhere that the point of MariaDB's changed version scheme (jumping to v10) was to make it clear that the code had diverged? Although I may be wrong...

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