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gardar - Tue, 2017/02/28 - 18:38
Why are most of the Turnkey web based appliances based on Apache rather than nginx? (wordpress, owncloud, etc.)
Any techical reasons or just old a habit?
Apache is a heavy beast and I'd think nginx would be a better fit in lightweight Turnkey appliances.
I would definately use Turnkey more often if all those appliances came with nginx rather than apache.
I apologize if this question has been asked and answared before, I did a quick search but wasn't able to find any related discussions.
I have written about it before, but I can't find it either! :)
As you note, Apache isn't the lowest resource usage server, and isn't necessarily the best choice in every application. Our rationale for continuing to use it rests on these points:
But despite all that, we have still considered the possibility of moving to Nginx as default. At least for as many appliances as it would support. At this point though we do not have any immediate plans to change.
Once we move to our new container design, things will be much easier. If it goes the way I hope (and am pushing for), users would be able to choose which webserver to use, rather than just having to use whatever we decide should be default. That is still a fair way away though, so don't hold your breath! :)
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