Dan's picture

Just checking in on things...   I'd love a LAMP stack with PHP 7 built in. In Sam Cooke's words "It's been a long time, a long time coming
But I know a change gonna come, oh yes it will"


Jeremy Davis's picture

Yes you are right!:

"It's been a long time, a long time coming. But I know a change gonna come, oh yes it will"

Whilst it may appear like not much has been happening, we're squirrelling away in the background preparing for v15.0 (which will include PHP7, among other new goodies). It's well overdue (at least 6 months) but we're grinding towards a release...

I still don't have an ETA on our v15.0 LAMP appliance. But in fear of jinxing myself, (fingers crossed) we should have a v15.0RC1 (release candidate one; hopefully the only before we do a stable release) published next week! Assuming that there aren't any glaring showstopper issues and we can get the last bits polished up, that should be followed by the first proper v15.0 release within a few weeks. I'd expect that the LAMP appliance will be included in the first stable release batch.

So I'd suggest you keep an eye on our blog and once we announce it, jump in and give us a hand with testing the RC. The more eyes over it, the better the chance that it'll be super awesome and the sooner I'll feel comfortable pushing out the stable release!

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