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homer15 - Tue, 2009/05/12 - 23:21
Hi, i tried getting support for this from phpbb, but since i'm using a preconfigured box, they said i'm sol.
my users can see me (and all other hidden users) even though i have my account status set to hidden. the usernames show up in italics, but are still plainly visible. any idea where i could start looking to fix this?
Just tell them you are using Debian/Ubuntu
I really don't understand their response to you. Why would using a preconfigured installation disqualify you from using their help? Underneath the hood an appliance is just a regular Ubuntu installation! We just give you a better starting point by setting up the initial system closer to what you want.
BTW, we use the phpBB3 package from Debian Lenny. I bet probably thousands of phpBB installations are using that package.
If they're being so boneheaded, just register as a new user and ask for help again but this time tell them you are using Debian.
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