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Paul Ankers - Thu, 2009/10/15 - 13:54
Trying to get live Ruby on Rails up & going, just get to config console and get above message. What might be the problem here? Thanks in advance.
Trying to get live Ruby on Rails up & going, just get to config console and get above message. What might be the problem here? Thanks in advance.
Conf console isn't finding network card
Something to do with virtual networking
@Larry & Ron - Sound like you guys are experiencing the same problem. I am sure this is to do with the virtual networking setup on your Host (although I could be wrong - Larry you didn't specify whether you were running in a VM environment). I suspect that you had your wifi configured correctly but for some reason your wired connection isn't being offered to the VM platform you are using (and hence TKL can't find an interface).
For troubleshooting it may be useful to try installing another VM using an alternative OS (such as Ubuntu desktop, etc) to see if this behaves the same.
You may be able to get some assistance by looking at the documentation of your VM environment software.
To help others to help you, more information is required. I would suggest at a minimum you should list your host OS and the VM environment you are using (eg VirtualBox, VMware, KVM etc). Its probably also helpful if you can detail what you have tried.
JedMeister's right - we need more information
Larry and Ron unfortunately didn't register for user accounts so it won't be easy to contact them for further information.
Without further information we can't try to replicate this behavior so we can't tell if it's a defect in the appliance, or in the virtual networking configuration, etc.
Since the operating system isn't detecting the VMs NICs at all, I agree with JedMeister's conclusions that it's probably a virtual networking issue that needs to be resolved with the virtualization program. If that's the case then we can't fix something like that at the appliance level.
I may be wrong though. We need more information. What virtualization program does this happen on? What steps do we need to carry out to replace this problem? Etc...
Is this the same issue?
Is this perhaps the same issue as documented here by Alon? (Discovered and initial workaround identified here). Can one of you guys experiencing this issue try the fix and report back?
Is this issue only occuring with VM image or ISO too?
By this sounds of it, this may be a problem a fair few are experiencing. To help the devs nail it down it may be useful to test installing from the ISO (assuming you are using the VM image) to see if its something to do with the way TKL interfaces with VMWare or just limited to the VM image.
As the only two people in this thread who have stated their running environments are using VMWare products, maybe its worth giving VirtualBox a go (or even MS VirtualPC - assuming the VM image is compatible with that to).
This seems to be a problem that has increased in incidence with the 2009.10 release, Maybe that is because of a bug in the VM images? Or maybe its just because more ppl using TKL?
A bug in the virtual kernel?
Shot in the dark...
This is a shot in the dark, but assuming this issue only happens in VM builds, it might be related.
Could you please try the following, then reboot:
1. Delete /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
2. Create /etc/udev/rules.d/75-persistent-net-generator.rules
Implementing the "Shot In The Dark"
I'd like to give this a go, and cut-and-paste the text in your post. Problem is I can't cut and paste, and I can't get "shared folders" working. Probably a result of the nic not working. I don't trust myself to type it correctly. I did download the .ISO image so I'll try that.
Thanks for the help, I'll let you know. Matt
Latest - Downloaded Sun VirtualBox, imported, and no problems at all. So a problem associated with VMWare. I'll let you know how virualbox goes.
A few ideas
Note that we run the virtual appliances in VMWare Server all the time and haven't come across this problem. Maybe we're doing it differently somehow.
Long story short I'd like the opportunity to try and examine a "broken" instance. If someone manages to reproduce this consistently with Core it would be extremely helpful if they could upload the broken virtual appliance to a free file hosting service and post the url here.
Just registered
You should be able to get my details now, if you'd like me to send you the broken instance let me know.
Cannot reproduce this issue
Anyway, I'd like to second what Liraz said: If someone manages to reproduce this consistently with Core it would be extremely helpful if they could upload the broken virtual appliance to a free file hosting service and post the url here.
Has everyone been upgrading?
If this is only happening after an upgrade then it may be an Ubuntu bug. Although theoretically an upgrade should work and shouldn't break anything, that is not always the way it works.
Personally I generally avoid apt-get upgrade. In general there is no need to upgrade anything unless there is a security risk, a bug you need fixed (which an upgraded version of something fixes) or there is a new feature that you want/need. This is especially the case with TKL appliances as they auto update security issues.
How does it go if you don't do an upgrade?
[edit] I just noticed that you said you did a

"disubution upgrade". I am not surprised that broke something! TKL appliances are based on 8.04.3. When you do a distribution upgrade, you are actually upgrading your Linux install to 8.10, so its not really TKL anymore! Its an Ubuntu 8.10 Server with custom TKL setup designed for 8.04.3!
So I would personally avoid upgrade, and definately don't do dist-upgrade!
don't fix it if it's not broken
All seems to work fine with a "normal" upgrade.
you are absolute write "don't fix it if it's not broken!" is a golden rule.
its the mass consumer in me that wants "Newer, fast, better, more, more, more" that made me do the dist-upgrade
Thought the info might help.
Ps. love turnkey's work, keep it up.
I can relate to that!
Having come from the Windows world where that's the name of the game (better, faster, stronger, but more often than not just more bells and whistles!) I can really relate to that.
Although the irony is that even a dist-upgrade, AFAIK it will only upgrade to the next OS, so to get to the currnt version of Ubuntu (9.10), you'd need to dist-upgrade 3 times!
I think I got it, but I need your help testing
I'm still not sure what is causing this issue, but I think I got the fix/workaround. I need your help testing:
1. Remove the following line from turnkey-APP.vmx This will cause the network adapter device type to become "flexible".
2. If you are using VMWare server, unregister then register the VM so the vmx change takes effect.
Let us know how it goes...
Hats Off to You!
Goes well with me.
by removeing that line form the .vmx file my broken vm (after the dist-upgrade) is back to life!
VMware player asked if the VM had need moved or copyed. i said moved.
it was never in uses or deployed so after the dist-upgrade i have no idea if its all functionality is 100%, but the VNIC is back and all seems to work!
More on network issues - and moving the VM
I have been successfully developing on the TKL image for over a week now - using Sun's virtual box. Converting to virtualbox overcame the problem.
Decided I wanted to contintue development on another PC, so
shut it down; Did a virtual box export of the image to a place on my network, went to the other PC, and did a virtual box import, and then booted the VM. Voila. It runs. It detects the interface. It brings the interface up. But.... it fails to recieve any packets, and therefore fails DHCP config.
Have rebooted a couple of times. No change.
Staticly set an IP-addr, and default route, ping'd but "host unreachable" (still no packet received - ifconfig)
Not sure if this is related to previous. Will try the change to turnkey-APP.vmx.
Thanks , Matt
Panic over - re. more on network issues
Going on a search of a .VMX file (in the Sun Virtual Box installation) lead to investigate the configuration. The interface config had somehow flipped to map to a network adapter I don't use (a wifi one). Once configured back to my bridged ethernet, all's well....
Thanks, Matt
VM builds patched and re-uploaded
You'll need to do some investigation
I suggest that a good place to start would be consulting your syslog around the time that the NICs disappeared. That may explain what happened? Also check to see if your system is still seeing the hardware and just not loading the drivers for some reason; or whether it can't even see the hardware. Then check your hardware and find the correct/ideal driver. Perhaps the driver that your system was using originally was sub-optimal and there is a better driver to use?
Bottom line is that I expect this will be a big job so either plan to spend a fair bit of time googling, reading and trying things out; or hire someone who does this stuff everyday to troubleshoot and resolve your issue.
You didn't mention the distro that you are using but if it's TurnKey then v14.x = Debian Jessie. Anything that applies to Jessie generally applies to TurnKey. Instructions relating to Ubuntu (also based on Debian) shoudl generally apply too, but not always...
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