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Michael Halibut - Fri, 2009/11/13 - 20:17
I am a newbee here.
Can ONE turnkey appliance be used to run, in this case, multiple WP installs ?
I am a newbee here.
Can ONE turnkey appliance be used to run, in this case, multiple WP installs ?
Yes but it requires some tweaking
Since WordPress supports multi-blogging and TurnKey Wordpress is (under the hood) a pretty standard installation of WordPress on Ubuntu you should be able to set that up with a bit of tweaking.
I haven't tried that myself though but the WordPress wiki has a page about installing multiple blogs.
I'm not sure if you've done this, but you may need to alter your httpd.conf file (as per )
httpd.conf vs sites-available
When creating the virtual host it actually gives you the option to store the new settings in the httpd.conf file or in it's own file in the sites-available dierctory. I assume this is strictly preference, but by NOT putting it in the httpd.conf file, in my opinion, makes it easier to manage. I have a site with a few subdomains so I chose to add those config settings to the main .conf file of the site in the sites-available directory so everything is all in one nice and tidy file without having to scroll through all the standard settings. Now, why your httpd.conf file is blank is another story. Maybe you are in the wrong directory?? If I remember correctly it's not in the standard location and somewhere else. You can look at the module config for apache in Webmin and that will tell you exactly where the .conf file is located.
It comes down to personal preference
And personally I prefer to make separate .conf files in the /etc/apache2/sites-available folder. That way different sites can be enabled/disabled with the 'a2ensite <site-name>' / 'a2dissite <site-name>' commands. It also means that the settings for each site are clearly separated. But that's just my preference.
As for the httpd.conf file being empty, AFAIK that is expected in Debain/Ubuntu as by default the main Apache2 config file is /etc/apache2/apache2.conf instead. IIRC httpd.conf file still exists but is not used in a default clean install (but perhaps is populated when Webmin is used?) Despite this, putting settings in the httpd.conf file will still work as if you scroll through the apache2,conf you will see that it is called (as well as the contents of /etc/apache2/sites-enabled and /etc/apache2/mods-enabled).
PS just realised that this post is from ages ago... Obviously missed it! Oh well...
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