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Anca - Sat, 2010/03/06 - 01:38
I would like to get Mysql server onto the File Server appliance. Could someone advise me on what I need to install to get it running and also what i need to do to get the Webmin MySql module and PHPMyAdmin installed
Basically I need to merge the Mysql Appliance and File server Appliance into one
MySQL should be pretty easy to install
but I'm not sure about the config. phpMyAdmin will obviously require php and a webserver too. Unless you plan on hosting other web content I'd probably just use Lighttpd rather than Apache (as the TKL MySQL appliance does). However most instructions seem to describe a LAMP setup so that may be an easier way to go.
The Ubuntu Server Guide will probably be invaluable and there's a pretty good looking "Perfect Server" tutorial. If you wish to go with Lighttpd you'll have to have a google, but there should be plenty of info out there.
To be honest though, I think I'd just stick with your current setup. If you're running them on separate hardware and want to consolidate then perhaps you should look at installing a hypervisor type OS and run them as separate VMs.
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