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Christos Pras - Wed, 2010/03/24 - 14:38
Hi there,
Can someone describe how can I install MySQL, phpmyadmin to the Standalone Tomcat Appliance.
I connect with putty bia ssh to the server and try to run the command "aptitude install mysql-server mysql-client libmysqlclient15-dev" but the server returns "bash: aptitude: command not found"
Any idea???? Please help me!!!!
2 options
1) just use apt-get, eg:
2) install aptitude first (followed by your above line) ie:
Hi JedMeister, Firstly thank
Hi JedMeister,
Firstly thank you for the prompt answer!
I want now to set the enviroment variables with the command "export" for "Apache Ant" , "Java JDK 6", "Apache Tomcat" as:
JAVA_HOME – The Java JDK (NOT the JRE) installation directory.
ANT_HOME – The Apache Ant installation directory.
CATALINA_HOME – The Apache Tomcat installation directory.
The problem is that I don't know where is the installation folders!
I need also the installation folder of the Java JDK in order to copy into MySQL Connector/J v3.1.14 JDBC driver , Sun JavaMail API (v1.4.X).
Please if someone knows the solutions help me!
Already set in /etc/environment?
Hi again Alon Swartz, I think
Hi again Alon Swartz,
I think that the system should include also the "ANT_HOME" also....
Some other thinks that might be in the install could be the "Sun JavaMail API (v1.4.X)" and "MySQL Connector/J v3.1.14 JDBC driver" in case someone install the MySQL.....
Thank you so much Alon
Thank you so much Alon Swartz!!!
Everything is in place now!!
Run apt-get update
Try running
first. If that errors too, check network connections.
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