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Todd Forsberg - Tue, 2010/06/08 - 17:56
After installation I can see and access the HelloWorld repo, but I can't see how to add a new repo.
After installation I can see and access the HelloWorld repo, but I can't see how to add a new repo.
Revision Control - How to Add a Repository for GIT
I've tried both SVN and GIT.
I must be overlooking something.
-Todd Forsberg
Revision Control Appliance
Anyone out there using this appliance?
-Todd Forsberg
How to make svn repo
You have to be in terminal to do this. Its only a 2 step process :)
1) cd /srv/repos/svn
2) svnadmin create test
Change test with the repo you want to make. For more svn administrative commands, here is a link:
I'll add a bit more, just in case you ask the question "how do I set up the svn to redmine". Once the repo is created, create the project (anyname). In the "Settings" tab of the project, select "Repository" tab. From the "SCM" combobox, select "Subversion". In the "URL" section, put in:
where test is the svn repository created from before.
How to make svn repo
Ok, thanks, I'll try it.
Is it a similar process for GIT?
I have been using both SVN and GIT for a while, but almost always with GUI interfaces. I guess I gotta learn the cmdline stuff.
-Todd Forsberg
Instructions for using Git
After a few hours of tinkering I finally have git working on my Revision Control appliance. There are a few things that were not really intuitive so I figured I'd share what I learned. I know it has been 6 months since this question was posed, but I figured here was as good a place as any.
To clone the hello world repo run:
This will get you a read only version.
To make a writeable repo the only way I could figure has a few steps and requires ssh and the root password. I'm not sure how to set this up in a multi-user fashion.
SSH into the appliance and run:
Now you will need to clone the repo:
Or, if you already have a local git repository and want to push everything into the appliance:
This should get you up and running using git on the Revision Control appliance. I'm not certain that this is the best way, but it worked for me.
Good Luck!
Edit: forgot to add some references:
Thank you!!!
This info helped very much. I think you had one little typo.
-Todd Forsberg
Git instead...
I haven't used Git personally. Here is a link to Git commands. Maybe this will be useful if you're looking into making a Git repo:
Need Syntax of URL to access HelloWorld repos from TortoiseSVN
I am looking for the correct syntax to connect to the 'HelloWorld' repos on the RCA vm. I known that it's svn+ssh://username192.168.nnn.nnn/???/.../???/helloworld but I really don't know what comes after the 'nnn/'.
I am trying to access the HelloWorld test repos the comes with the Revision Control Appliance using TortoiseSVN from an external box connecting over the network.
I can create a test repos of my own and then connect over the network with the TortoiseSVN client.
However, I haven't been able to connect to any repos from the default Web inerface AND from TortoiseSVN. This would be really helpful and would really add the flexibility of the choice of interface for the user.
Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
Assuming you are referring to svn!?
FWIW linux authentication is often called "pam" and the service is called "svnserve".
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