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J - Fri, 2011/03/25 - 04:37
I have a server at home and would like to use it as a development server, and then would then like to push my server contents to the cloud. Is this possible with TKL? Would you be so kind to explain how to install from start to finish TKL on my new home server?
Thanks in advance!
My personal preference is to virtualise
Because unless its a really old/low spec machine (or you plan on running something pretty intensive such as Zimbra) then its such a waste of hardware. My favourite right now is Proxmox. ProxmoxVE is a Debian based hypervisor OS which supports both OVZ and KVM virtualisation technologies with a WebUI so is ideal for running headless. There are plenty of other options about though and there is even a TKL VirtualBox prototype appliance (and/or TKLPatch) that has been developed by Rik (and his students AFAIK). As PVE requires hardware support, Rik's VBox appliance is the way to go if it's an older machine or a low power chip (such as an Atom).
Another angle is that if you only plan on using it for development, you probably don't even need to run it on it's own machine, why not just use VirtualBox (or similar) on your workhourse (be it a laptop or desktop)?
As for your questions about pushing to the cloud, depends on exactly what you mean by that. If you mean running a local (development) instance and a production instance running on Amazon then TKLBAM may be the go. If you are talking about a hosted service then it depends how much control you have. If it's a (non-TKL) VPS then providing you can have a very similar (if not identical) setup on the VPS (eg Ubuntu 10.04) then rsync (or similar) is probably your best bet.
As for specific install info, you should find most of that in the TKL docs, or specific issue may be found with forum searches (top-right corner).
I would Virtualise
So just to elaborate are these the steps to get running from a dev machine to an AWS instance?
Pretty much
That's pretty much it.
#3 - The easiest way to go would be to download the TKL ISO, upload that to PVE (you can do it via the WebUI) and install from the ISO (again from WebUI). Although this way you will be using KVM (which works very well), but IMO OpenVZ is even better.
If you wish to use TKL appliances under OVZ then you will need to create a patching 'workbench' appliance first. Download and install TKL Core (as above). Then install TKLPatch and use the TKLOVZ patch/script (started by me, completed by Adrian Moya) to convert TKL ISOs to OVZ templates (in tar.gz fomat).
Even though it's a bit more mucking around to start with. I would highly recommend running from OVZ. You will find it uses much less RAM and is very reponsive (you'll forget it's a VM!) If you want any more help or need any pointers (including more detailed explanation please don't hesitate to ask. :)
Great help
Thanks Jermey, This is really very exciting!
Glad to be of assistance :)
Don't hesitate to post back should you encounter any issues. I can't guarantee I will have the answers but I'll do my best! :)
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