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Hi all
Newbie questions, first time run Turnkey Linux via VMware ESXi. Not sure if this will be sufficient for anyone to point me in the right direction;
Welcome to Lamp, TurnKey Linux 11.2 / Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid LTS
System information (as of Sat Oct 01 15:55:56 2011)
System load: 0.09 Memory usage: 19%
Processes: 102 Swap usage: 0%
Usage of /: 3.0% of 33.73GB
root@lamp ~# aptitude install php5-curl
-bash: aptitude: command not found
root@lamp ~# apt-get install php5-xmlrpc
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Couldn't find package php5-xmlrpc
root@lamp ~# apt-get install php-intl
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Couldn't find package php-intl
root@lamp ~# sudo apt-get install php5-gd
-bash: sudo: command not found
Many thanks, keep up the good work!
A few things...
As you have seen:
So try running this:
If that still doesn't work, check your networking and make sure you're not behind a firewall and/or a proxy.
You only really need to run apt-get update once for every session when you are installing software. If you wish to use aptitude instead of apt-get, just install that first with apt get install (after updating).
You can also check for packages using the apt-cache search command, eg:
Will list all the packages that include php5 in their name. You can also search for packages via the Ubuntu Package Search webpage.
You could try just downloading the .deb
And see if it will install with dpkg -i but you'll need to make sure you install all the dependancies (using apt-get install) first and they may not be able to be fullfilled (because of version numbers). It may be best to check that they can be first. Or you could compile from source. This page will help regardless of which way you go.
thanks, I'll see what I can
thanks, I'll see what I can achieve.
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