dannymcc's picture

I have a LAMP stack running on a dedicated server at work. I made a couple of stupid mistakes earlier today and would like to restore the server back to the last backup that was made some 14 hours ago.

So I logged into the server via SSH and ran:


and then selected the backup to recover:

tklbam-restore 7

I was then given the following information:


> Restoring duplicity archive from s3://s3-eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/tklbam-56dsdasdalwx2w
> Local and Remote metadata are synchronized, no sync needed.
> Last full backup date: Tue Dec 20 20:32:30 2011

And the restore is now running. As the server backup is around 9GB I would expect this to take some time.

The output that was given (above) states that "no sync needed". Does that mean that the current server state is the same as that of the backup that I am attempting to restore?

Also, as I only made a handful of file changes, will the restore rollback just those files or will it completely replace all files (the total 9GB backup)?



Jeremy Davis's picture

Sorry that's not very helpful I know. But out of curiosity how did your restore go?

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