dasheddot's picture

Yesterday we registered at hub.turnkeylinux.org to host magento test instances on our Amazon AWS (EC2) Account.

After starting the instance there was a security update which took several hours, but finally the instance was reachable.

I would've expected to browse the instance (allocated an elastic ip) an see the welcome screen of magento. But the only view i get is this one:


There has been an error processing your request

Exception printing is disabled by default for security reasons.

Error log record number: 1376453886


So, how is it possible to make a fresh install of turnkey magento appliance on EC2 and it doesn't work? I've no idead how ti enable the exception printing to find out more useful information - but since I'm a paying member i would expect to get a running appliance without any additional effort.

Anyway, is there anybody who have an idea how to solve this issue?

Thanks in advance!

Jeremy Davis's picture

I think I recall someone else having a similar issue some time ago, but AFAIK it was resolved.

I was going to have a quick look myself to see if I could replicate your result (and try to help resolve it if I had the same experience). But unfortunately it looks like the Hub is down for maintenance ATM. I'll check back later.

Feel free to bump this thread if you don't hear back from me soon.

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