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ElliotFriend - Wed, 2012/09/12 - 20:01
I've just downloaded the LAMP OVF to play with it. When I try to deploy it through vSphere, I get an error message stating:
The specified operating system identifier " (id: 95) is not supported on the selected host. It will be mapped to the following OS identifier: 'Other Linux (32-bit)'.
I've tried setting up a blank VM, exporting an OVF to compare the two files. From what I can tell, the two OS identifier fields are identical.
Any thoughts? Everything seems to be working as epected: Should I not proceed until this is resolved? The OVF imports as VM Version 7, where most of my VMs that ESXi 5 creates are VM Version 8: Is that a problem?
Wordpress OVF import error on vSphere 4.1
I've got this same error when I imported the Wordpress OVF in vSphere v4.1. I continued and the VM import succeeded and is accessible. However, the "guest OS" indicates "other 32-bit". Just wondering if this will cause problems going forwards. I intend to use this VM for a web-based calendar app. I would appreciate any feedback from the org.
Wordpress OVF import error on vSphere 4.1
Note: The os id in the error msg is "96" (not 95).
I tried using ovftool (v3.0.1) to covert the vmx to ovf, which succeeded but I still got this error when I tried to import the resulting ovf.
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