Scott Wilhelm's picture

I just expanded my /dev/mapper/turnkey-root to 30GB earlier today from 1GB, and I thought that it would be overkill and I would have plenty of space to grow.  I was wrong.  Within 6 hours, it was back up to 100% usage.  This is what it looks like currently:


Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
                      33027952  31582196         0 100% /
none                    507900       184    507716   1% /dev
none                    513216         0    513216   0% /dev/shm
none                    513216       280    512936   1% /var/run
none                    513216         0    513216   0% /var/lock
none                    513216         0    513216   0% /lib/init/rw
/dev/sda1               233191    167297     53453  76% /boot

I have no clue what hell is going on now or how to fix it, because I don't think I can add a TB to this to maintain this type of growth.

Any suggestions on how to troubleshoot this, I would GREATLY appreciate!



Chris Musty's picture

The following will give  bit more info so you can decide what to do with larger files and free up space.

Try this to list the top 20 largest folders

du / | sort -rn | head -20

Or this to list file sizes over a certain size (in this example 10Mb)

find / -xdev -type f -size +10000000c -execdir ls -lSF {} \;

Once you play a bit and know what is consuming space you can act on it.

For example, if you see huge log files (typically /var/log(s)) you know that something is not restricting log file sizes etc etc

Chris Musty


Specialised Technologies

Scott Wilhelm's picture

While that helps me find large files throughout the drive, for some reason the diskspace for /dev/mapper/turnkey-root is where the issue is, but I can't figure out what's causing it to use up the entire space that's been given to it.

Jeremy Davis's picture

/dev/mapper/turnkey-root is the device name for the root LVM volume - on which the root of the filesystem resides ie / (have a look at the first entry in your output from your OP - see it's mounted on / )

Anything in /dev relates to hardware (or sometimes software or pseudo) devices. Basically it is telling you that your root filesystem (like your C drive in Windows) is full!

Seeing as you are using LVM you have a couple of options. You can extend the filesysytem by adding another Physical Volume (PV) to the Logical Volume (LV) (search LVM in the search box top right of this page and it should be the 1st result).

Or do what Chris said and try to find what is taking up the room.

Or ideally, perhaps do both!

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