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dasanco - Thu, 2013/04/04 - 22:53
I see there is a new version of the PHPList script ... what would the TKL recommended method for applying this update be?
I see there is a new version of the PHPList script ... what would the TKL recommended method for applying this update be?
I would suggest that you test on a VM
It looks like it's installed from upstream so check the PHPList site on instructions to update.
I suggest that you test it on a vanilla VM first to ensure that nothing major seriously breaks. Document your steps as you go (unless of course you are following someone else's instructions - just note anything that you do different).
Then once you are happy with that, do a backup of your server (TKLBAM is good and/or do a manual backup of the directory and a dump of the DB) and do tha same steps on your real server...
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