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Jani Hur - Tue, 2013/08/13 - 20:03
I have been trying to find out how application specific values can be gathered during the first boot and then later used to configure the application.
I guess this is done with inithooks: but I fail to see how the magic happens.
E.g. I have been checking jenkins. In overlay/usr/lib/inithooks/firstboot.d/40jenkins
#!/bin/bash -e # set jenkins admin password . /etc/default/inithooks [ -e $INITHOOKS_CONF ] && . $INITHOOKS_CONF $INITHOOKS_PATH/bin/ admin --pass="$APP_PASS"
Here the APP_PASS variable has got the value somehow automatically ? The script is part of TKLCore as it's not found from jenkins repository ? How TKLCore knows how to configure jenkins ? Obviously I have to set my application specific settings myself ? How the inithooks knows what settings I want to ask from the user ?
Yes inithooks do the magic...
I can't speak for Jenkins, but the point of having them as variables is so that they can be preseeded (e.g. by the values entered in the TKL Hub pre-launch WebUI). If the variables have no value then the firstboot scripts will ask...
TBH I just had a look and you appear to be right (in the fact that doesn't seem to be a part of Jenkins itself) so as you suggest perhaps it's a part of Core (although TBH I wouldn't think that Core would need it...). Unfortunately I (still) haven't had time to play with TKLDev yet and so can't help much in that regard, but it must be somewhere and I suspect that you may be able to leverage that same script for your own password creation...
inithooks will just run each script in ../firstboot.d (in order). And as I said above, if a value hasn't already been fed in (via preseeding) then it will ask... Different appliances will have different firstboot scripts...
The magic revealed
I checked Gitlab's inithooks and finally figured this out.
There is two components that contains general boilerplate code and appliance specific code.
First is inithooks/firstboot.d/40oracle:
This file is the hook so that appliance specific inithooks/bin/ file will be executed. The value for DB_PASS variable can be set in preseeding (in file /etc/inithooks.conf), but I don't use preseeding so in my case it is unnecessary. The name of DB_PASS has no magic and it could be e.g. FOO instead.
If the value has not been preseeded then inithooks/bin/ uses dialog_wrapper Python module to ask it from the user. Below is an example of the minimal script that reads a single piece of information from a user:
All this is in fact described in but it took me some time understand that.
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