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LuKe - Wed, 2014/04/23 - 13:51
I'm trying to uncrompress the image but I got an error.
To uncompress I've used Archive Manager (u14.04), Krusader and TotalCommander.
The sha1sum is correct.
Just downloaded and works fine for me...!?
Not sure what is going on for you Luke. I just downloaded it ( and it unzipped fine both with Xarchiver (UI from Debian repos) as well as via commmandline (unzip - also from Debian repos). Although TBH I think Xarchiver just uses unzip anyway...
Could you try just using
and see what happens.
It is very strange, because
It is very strange, because using krusader and Archive manager I got the error. Uncompressing the file on Windows was ok.
TBH I don't understand...
But at the end of the day you've got it working so I guess we'll just run with that! :)
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