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Can anyone provide assistance with upgrading the version of Tracks from 2.2 to 2.2.2?
I have attempted this upgrade multiple times without success.
Per the official website the steps are below:
1. Back up your existing database and installation of Tracks
2. Install Tracks 2.2.2 in a new directory
3. Copy over the configuration from your previous Tracks installation. If using SQLite3, copy the old database into the new Tracks 2.2.2 directory.
4. Update site.yml in the /config directory and set the secret_token to a large random string. See also the comment in site.yml.tmpl.
5. Check that you have all dependencies installed:
bundle install --without development test
6. Precompile your static assets (css, javascript, etc.) by running
bundle exec rake assets:precompile
7. Run bundle exec rails server -e production inside your Tracks 2.2.2 directory to start up Tracks 2.2.2
8. Once you are happy that everything is working well, delete your old Tracks directory.
I downloaded the zip files from:
There are no errors during the precompiling. The issues occur when I visit the site and immediately receive error 500 pages.
I am I missing a configuration step which isn't mentioned?
Any recommendations are greatly appreciated.
Step to Upgrade Tracks Version from 2.2 to 2.2.2
Hopefully this helps somebody out there.
1. cd to /home directory
2. type:
3. type:
4. type:
5. type:
6. type:
7. type:
8. type:
9. type:
10. type:
11. type:
12. type:
13. type:
Access Tracks Site from a web browser, below the login box there will be a footer depicting the 2.2.2 version
After verification, don't forget to delete your old tracks directory by typing:
Great work!
Thanks so much for posting this. No doubt this will be useful for others! :)
Tracks Upgrade from 2.2.2 to 2.2.3
1. cd to /home directory
2. type:
3. type:
4. type:
5. type:
6. type:
7. type:
8. type:
9. type:
10. type:
11. type:
12. type:
13. type:
14. Access Tracks Site from a web browser, below the login box there will be a footer depicting the 2.2.3 version
Enjoy version 2.2.3
After verification of new upgrade, don't forget to delete your old tracks directory by typing:
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