amitabhmohanty2010's picture

Dear All,

i need help from you guys. i'm using 13.0 appliance services for mongoDB.

i'm able to get all the consoles from browser. but when i login to ahell and login as root/admin and typing mongo command it is going to mongo shell. but whn i type any command it is giving error as login required.

eror screen shot attached.


please advice.

Thanks in advance.


Jeremy Davis's picture

This is a known issue. See on the TKL Issue tracker.

However I just tried the workaround that I previously added to the tracker some time ago and it appears that it isn't working (at least not for me...). I'm not really sure what is going on there as I'm sure that I wouldn't have posted that without testing it first...

So I've done a bit of googling and fiddling but haven't had any joy so far. Unfortunately I can't spend anymore time on it ATM but if you have any success please post back. If not then perhaps we need to temporarily pull the appliance until we can release a proper fix. It's not much good to anyone having a broken appliance available for use...

Sorry that I couldn't give you a better response than that... :(

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