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Norm Katz - Wed, 2015/08/12 - 02:02
If I have an existing AWS Linux instance directly with Amazon, does Turnkey Hub have a tool to reverse engineer my server configuration into a config file that I can use to maintain, update and deploy new instances? I'm guessing it would use something like Docker, Chef, Puppet, Salt, etc. I would need it to capture LAMP stack configuration (versions of PHP, MySQL, Apache, extensions, users/groups, firewall settings, SSL Certs, etc).
This would be very helpful!!
Is it a TKL server?
If it's Debian or Ubuntu you still may be able to get it to work...
Regardless, if you do use TKLBAM I highly recommend that you fully test your new/restored server to make sure that it all works as it should prior to destroying the old one...
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