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I've trying to setup turnkey mediawiki to use https and a wildcard certificate without any luck. I would also like to setup a redirect from the http site on port 80 to 443.
This is a fresh installation
I've read hundreds of forums and followed each and every suggestion but in the best case I would get something working but that would break something else.
I have my .pem, .crt and .key files loaded under /etc/ssl/certs
My configuration files /etc/mediawiki/apache.conf and /etc/mediawiki/localsettings.php are now back to their original
I can see the main page when I go to and but in the case of https it showing a warning and I can see it is using the self-signed certificate. Evidently is not using my wildcard certificate.
Any help is appreciated
Anyone out there willing to
Anyone out there willing to help out?
Now I tried replacing the cert.pem files under /etc/ssl/certs with my own certificates
but on the webpage I still get the error and when I look at the certificate it tells me is still the self-signed one....
I believe the configuration file for apache is /etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl.conf
because when I change something there I can see it is actually changing on the page.
right now I have changed these lines in the file
SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/cert.pem
SSLCACertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/Go_Daddy_Root_Certificate_Authority_-_G2.pem
I don't where else to look...
Sorry for slow response
Regarding the SSL cert location; in v14.0 we tightened the security screws a bit. Part of that was moving the default cert location from /etc/ssl/certs to /etc/ssl/private. Also the modification you put in /etc/apache2/mods-available/ssl.conf should work and is the sensible place to declare a server-wide wildcard cert IMO. However if a cert location is declared in any of the enabled Apache virtualhost conf files (any that are in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled) then that setting will override it.
Regarding the /etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl.conf file; that virtualhost conf file should actually be disabled or it will probably clash with the ssl settings in the mediawiki site file (which is actually /etc/mediawiki/apache.conf as noted above).
To see what sites are enabled have a peek in the aptly named /etc/apache2/sites-enabled directory. E.g.
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