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Al Puzzuoli - Sun, 2016/10/09 - 21:56
I am trying to do a tklbam-restore to a Docker turnkeylinux/lamp-14.1 test container. The restore is failing for some reason, as indicated in the attached log file. If I restore this same website to a fresh Turnkey Lamp 14.1 virtual machine, it works fine. I am using Docker toolbox on Windows 8.1. Any ideas as to what the issue is?
The very last line gives the hint
IMO this is somewhat a TKLBAM restore bug. Although I'm not totally sure what we should do with it. Ideally it should probably try to restore the /etc/hosts file but if that fails, then report it in the log as a warning and probably include the warning at the end of the restore (so the user is aware).
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