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I am facing problem sending Assertion Control with LDAP DelRequest message.
I am getting this error:
591950a9 begin get_filter
591950a9 conn=1004 op=1 DISCONNECT tag=120 err=2 text=error decoding filter
591950a9 conn=1004 op=1 DISCONNECT tag=120 err=2 text=error decoding filter
591950a9 conn=1004 op=1 do_delete: get_ctrls failed
My code snippet looks like below:
std::string keyy = "(&(cn=Manager)(givenName=Sudhi))";
struct berval * berEncodedFilter = ber_bvstr(keyy.c_str());
LDAPControl* serverControl[2];
return_code = ldap_control_create(LDAP_CONTROL_ASSERT, 0, berEncodedFilter, 0, &(serverControl[0]));
serverControl[1] = NULL;
return_code = ldap_delete_ext(m_connection, dn.c_str(), serverControl, 0, &msgID);
Is there an issue in this code?
Please help.
Hi Sudhi
So TBH, I have no idea about whether your code is good or not... Our OpenLDAP appliance is primarily maintained by a community volunteer and he uses it heavily, so my guess is that there is something wrong with your code, but I can't be sure and certainly can't give you any pointers sorry.
Perhaps it's worth asking OpenLDAP themselves? It looks like they have a mailing list precisely for this kind of question! :)
Sorry I couldn't help more and good luck with it.
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