Daniele Lolli (UncleDan)'s picture

Repository: https://github.com/UncleDan/drupal10/tree/18-update-UncleDan
Pull request: https://github.com/turnkeylinux-apps/drupal9/pull/7
Full error: https://github.com/UncleDan/turnkeylinux-apps-test-18

I am trying to build Drupal 10 on 18RC1, basing on drupal9 config. The config built fine until the composer part so I discovered that Laminas (and maybe Drupal itself) need PHP 8.1 which is not in bookworm repositories.

I have tried to use lamp81.mk but it can't find packages and also adding the well known "sury" repository https://deb.sury.org/ for elder PHP versions I had no luck. It seems that lamp81.mk is evaluated before adding the source list and key I added in overlay.

Any hine?

Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi UncleDan, according to the Drupal PHP requirements doc, Drupal 10 should work ok with PHP8.2?

It does appear that Drupal 9 doesn't work with PHP8.2 - although I also note that it's EOL is Nov 23 - so only 3 months away. As such, it may not be worth producing a v18.0 Drupal 9 appliance?

Also, it appears that Drupal Console is no longer maintained (and doesn't work with PHP8.2). But most (if not all) of the functionality of Drupal Console appears to now be in Drush. So I don't think that will be a big deal.

Looking at your code, I think the main thing is that everything needs to be updated to be Drupal 10. Also, it appears that the way we were installing drush isn't completely compatible with Drupal 10. I've added a few more commits on top of your PR and it seems to be working now...

Regardless to use an alternate PHP version, you are headed in the right direction, but as well as the plan, you also need to set PHP_VERSION in the Makefile. That will configure the Sury apt repo for you. FWIW, when the PHP_VERSION is set, the common bootstrap_apt common conf script configures the Sury repo.

Jeremy Davis's picture

Actually, I've done a bit more, but it appears that there is some issues with the turnkey-drush wrapper/helper script that we provide.

It needs some more attention and I'm not 100% sure how to best do it... I'm going to defer this for the minute and circle back once we have the initial v18.0 stable release done.

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