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Richard - Sun, 2022/06/26 - 03:02
Just an FYI that this Forum app is taking the best part of a minute to load a topic or post a reply.
Does something need a restart?
Just an FYI that this Forum app is taking the best part of a minute to load a topic or post a reply.
Does something need a restart?
Hi Richard, you are (were?!) completely right!
Hi Richard, thanks for the heads up. Apologies on my really slow response. In case you didn't guess, I was trying to get the website back up and running and not having a very good time of it. I did actually have a couple of goes at posting, but the site kept failing to post it for me...
TBH, I'm still not 100% sure what the issue was. I tried every trick in the book and it seemed to make no difference. In the end, I just moved the content to a new server. The old server was quite dated and overdue for some serious maintenance anyway, so it's probably all for the best. It was just unfortunate timing that resulted in more downtime than I would have liked.
Hopefully it should be working as good, if not better than before?! Please let me know of any glitches or anything strange that you see.
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