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Good day,
I tried to install Odoo using version 17.1, this failed, but though to go back a little and try 16.1 using the pre-built ova file, in went like a breeze.
The surprise is that the IP is not taken from the VBox, but from the main router, I used Odoo without any issues at the time using the VM as is without any changes to the settings. When hibernate the main system and came back from hibernation Odoo using the same IP did not work. After many hibernations, sometimes it works well and sometimes not working, I could not know a rule when it works or not. When it is not working, I cannot access it through the browser, even though the system is working and showing the IP address without issues.
Then I tried to set the same IP manually, using the main internet router; did not work.
What really worked after too many trials, is setting the network at VBox with 2 adaptors, the first one is “Host-Only Adaptor” and the second “NAT”, at this stage, it works well and connected to the internet, so I can install apps without issues.
I hope someone finds this helpful.
My question here, why it worked at the first instance with the router IP? If I want to set the IP from the router again, this is something good in some situations; How would I do this?
Thanks and regards,
Thanks for posting. Apologies for slow response.
Thanks for posting.
Could you please tell me a bit more about what failed re v17.1? That is the current and recommended release, so if it's not working for you, either you've hit an edge case bug (which perhaps we can fix, or at least improve) or perhaps there is something else going on on your end that requires tweaking/config/understanding/etc? Please tell me more so I can try to understand what the issue is/was...
Re your experience with VirtualBox networking, as you discovered, there are a number of ways to do that, but we generally recommend using "Bridged" networking and then set a static IP (inside TurnKey). To reduce the chance of IP address conflict (which might be the cause of your issues?), you're best to use a free IP address that is outside of your DHCP address range, but still within your network (you may need to tweak the settings of your DHCP server). Exactly how you test and adjust DHCP settings will depend on how your network is set up. Most home users will have a DHCP server running in their router.
Having said that, your solution workaround sounds like a fine way to go. And if you only want the server for personal/local use, then that is probably the best setup! Only you will be able to access the server locally. If you want to allow others access, you'll either need to revisit "bridged" networking, or configure NAT forwarding. It's probably also a much better setup if you are running it on a laptop which connects to different networks. What IP addresses will work will depend on the network you connect to, so static IP won't necessarily work all the time anyway.
If you want any more pointers, feel free to tell me a bit more about your set up and what you're trying to achieve and I'll share my 2c...
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