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Rob - Wed, 2021/06/09 - 01:55
I just installed TurnKey PostgreSQL 16.1-1 on Proxmox 6.4-4.
I was able to connect to PostgreSQL via PgAdmin from another machine.
I tried to enable the postgis extension but it looked like it was not installed by default.
I then installed postgis via putty and restarted via systemctl.
However the postgis extension did not show up.
ERROR: could not open extension control file "/usr/share/postgresql/11/extension/postgis.control": No such file or directory SQL state: 58P01
I then used the web-admin interface; uninstall then install but postgis still seems to be missing.
Any help would be great.
Willing to test.
What might be the issue - misleading package name
Hello again,
The contents of the package called PostGIS looks like PostGIS-utils on other systems e.g. CentOS stream.
So that package has an ESRI shapfile converter and other things. However, the package called PostGIS does not have the atual PostGIS extension for the parent database (PostgreSQL).
The site below has some good instructions
I think you have to add the PostgreSQL APT repository to the container to get the extension.
The container currently has Postgres 11.12 so the package needed is:
Willing to test and learn (make and configure LXC for deployment),
Some progress ...
Following and slightly modifying the instructions from the site in the previous post I was able to get the extension installed on the container.
Output from SELECT postgis_full_version():
POSTGIS="3.1.2 cbe925d" [EXTENSION] PGSQL="110" GEOS="3.7.1-CAPI-1.11.1 27a5e771" SFCGAL="1.3.6" PROJ="Rel. 5.2.0, September 15th, 2018" GDAL="GDAL 2.4.0, released 2018/12/14" LIBXML="2.9.4" LIBJSON="0.12.1" LIBPROTOBUF="1.3.1" WAGYU="0.5.0 (Internal)" TOPOLOGY RASTER
Not clean. One does end up with a few bogus control files.
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 175 May 31 09:48 /usr/share/postgresql/11/extension/postgis-3.control
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 184 May 31 09:48 /usr/share/postgresql/11/extension/postgis_raster-3.control
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 130 May 31 09:48 /usr/share/postgresql/11/extension/postgis_sfcgal-3.control
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 204 May 31 09:48 /usr/share/postgresql/11/extension/postgis_tiger_geocoder-3.control
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 169 May 31 09:48 /usr/share/postgresql/11/extension/postgis_topology-3.control
Time to start with a clean container to see if I can reproduce this.
Closer ... I hope this helps someone else
Post 2.5 is in the container repos but not installed.
If you want to use post 2.5 you need to install the following:
Then restart postgresql:
systemctl restart postgresql
If you were connected with pgadmin4 from another machine then:
Disconnect/reconnect and the postgis 2.5 related extensions should show up.
Note, pgrouting is another spatial extension you might want.
If so, install:
The above package also installs
Again, from pgAdmin 4 disconnect/reconnect
However, the pgrouting extension will not show up in the list until you first install the postgis extension.
Could be a pgAdmin4 thing. CREATE EXTENSION CACADE might work but need to test.
I hope this helps someone,
If all the packages are installed (container) and the service has been restarted then from pgAdmin4 (5.2)
(as in the postgis extension is added to the db too)!
Thanks Rob and sorry for my slow response...
TBH, I actually thought I already had replied (I certainly wrote a reply, but must not have clicked the final "save". Seems likely as I have had a fair bit on lately and have been posting in the forums in the gaps (so getting sidetracked/interupted).
I'm not particularly familiar with PostgreSQL in general or PostGIS specifically. It sounds like you nailed it though. Good work and thanks so much for posting back. Hopefully that will assist others in the future.
One more question ...
You are welcome and no problem.
I have one more question.
I want to 'reset' the container to 'first boot' mode.
Backup the container and use it as a slightly adjusted container template in Proxmox.
I tried setting RUN_FIRSTBOOT=true (in /etc/default/inithooks.conf) and some stuff happened but it was not the same as when I run turnkey-init.
Any advice?
turnkey-init is a subset of the full firstboot
turnkey-init is a subset of the full firstboot. Resetting RUN_FIRSTBOOT=true (and ensuring that there is no /etc/inithooks.conf) will do a full rerun through the firstboot scripts - as if it were the firstboot.
If that's not what you experienced, then I'm not sure what is going on?!
What 'some stuff' look like
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terminal window resized?
That looks like the terminal window was resized and when it tried to redraw the dialog, there wasn't enough room (i.e. it was too small).
Trigger for root logging in for the first time
I was wondering what the trigger/test is for root logging in for the first time is.
If I could reset that somehow, make the system believe root is logging in for the first time then I could try to better isolate the issue with the dialog above.
Self healing magic
Tried the same process today ... everything works.
I will keep testing to see if it sticks.
Great news! :)
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