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Very Siberian - Wed, 2017/12/13 - 18:05
I am using the current version of TKL WordPress. I received an email alert that the Let's Encrypt certificate, which I set up using TKL WordPress, was about to expire. I checked and realized that I had not yet set it for automatic updates, so I changed the setting. Then, this morning, I got a second email alert about the upcoming certificate expiration.
When should I expect the certificate to auto-renew, and is there anything I need to do to make sure it happens now that I'm set up for auto renewal?
That doesn't sound right...
Unfortunately an issue has arisen in our confconsole Let's Encrypt integration. Let's Encrypt have updated their Terms of Service which has resulted in a breakage.
There is a workaround posted there (as well as in the forums). I have been working on a fix, but I still haven't tested it enough to release. Unfortunately I keep getting pulled onto other stuff. But I do hope to get that out ASAP.
I'll see if I can have another look at that today. Perhaps you can even assist me with testing? If you're at all interested in the nuts and bolts, you can see my work in progress on GitHub here. Feedback and testing would be warmly welcomed! :)
Thank you, Jeremy! You'll love this: a simple reboot seems to have fixed the problem. I did that first and then checked the Let's Encrypt logs to find that the certificate had been renewed as of this morning. Why can't it always be this easy?
Great news! :)
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