pee's picture


I am using the docker appliances.

I want to try "tklbam-init --solo" to backup my appliance but I get some problems

The release notes state that:

  - The --force-profile option accepts appliance codenames (e.g.,
    --force-profile=core). This makes --force-profile much easier to
    use. Previously the only option was to give it the exact profile
    version (e.g., ---force-profile=turnkey-core-13.0-wheezy-amd64)

But when I do that I get this error:

 ~# tklbam-init --solo --force-profile=turnkey-core-13.0-wheezy-amd64
error: --solo requires --force-profile=empty or --force-profile=path/to/custom/profile
root@fadabace24d6 ~# turnkey-core-13.0-wheezy-amd64

so apparantly the options




do not work??

I tried to download profiles from github, but most profiles (like "lamp") are just empty??

so I like to know how I can use tklbam locally with the existing appliances


Thanks a lot!!

Jeremy Davis's picture

TBH I haven't played with the new features in TKLBAM yet so I can't offer any specific help. But you certainly raise a good point...

I have used --force-profile in the past (and it worked fine), but that was prior to the --solo option so not sure...

IIRC there are some pointers on creating your own profile. I don't think it's all that hard... Just a case of creating a plain text file and listing areas of the filesystem that you want backed up. Any sub-directories or files within them can be excluded with a minus in front...

Sorry probably not quite as helpful as you might have hoped...

Liraz Siri's picture

Usually TKLBAM downloads the profile you ask for (e.g., --force-profile=core) from the Hub.

However in --solo mode, it isn't connecting to the Hub so it can't download a prebuilt profile with a matching name. You have to either use the "empty" profile or create your own custom profile:

tklbam-internal create-profile --help
What is a backup profile?

A backup profile is used to calculate the list of system changes that need to
be backed up (e.g., new files and packages). It typically describes the
installation state of the system and includes 3 files:

* dirindex.conf: list of filesystem paths to scan for changes
* dirindex: index of timestamps, ownership and permissions for dirindex.conf paths
* packages: list of currently installed packages.

Read the documentation for details and experiment a bit until you understand how it works.

You can get a good starting point for your custom profile's configuration from the profile source on GitHub. I suggest customizing the 'core' profile configuration.

Note, regarding your question some of the profile configurations for GitHub are empty because they don't need to make any changes relative to 'Core'. There's an inheritance model.

pee's picture

hey guys, thank you very much for your answers ;)

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