TBH I haven't played with the new features in TKLBAM yet so I can't offer any specific help. But you certainly raise a good point...
I have used --force-profile in the past (and it worked fine), but that was prior to the --solo option so not sure...
IIRC there are some pointers on creating your own profile. I don't think it's all that hard... Just a case of creating a plain text file and listing areas of the filesystem that you want backed up. Any sub-directories or files within them can be excluded with a minus in front...
Sorry probably not quite as helpful as you might have hoped...
TBH I haven't played with the new features in TKLBAM yet so I can't offer any specific help. But you certainly raise a good point...
I have used --force-profile in the past (and it worked fine), but that was prior to the --solo option so not sure...
IIRC there are some pointers on creating your own profile. I don't think it's all that hard... Just a case of creating a plain text file and listing areas of the filesystem that you want backed up. Any sub-directories or files within them can be excluded with a minus in front...
Sorry probably not quite as helpful as you might have hoped...