Hi TurnkeyLinux,


Above is a very good product which can be made as  a turnkey appliance.

I am not very fluent in linux lingo but have managed to install it on a ubuntu vm (12.04). 

I think it will be great for users of the community to check out the usefulness and power of this application without the problems of installing it.

Just a suggestion and a request for christmas :-)

Kind regards

Jeremy Davis's picture

If someone wants it enough to develop it then I'm happy to help you out with usage of TKLDev to make it happen. The docs are getting some love at the moment so hopefully they'll be better than ever! :)

Ken Robinson's picture

I might be up to the challage too. As Jeremy knows I have been playing around with TKLDev. I'll take a look at this open source project. Might be a good app to cut my TKLDev teeth on.




Ken Robinson's picture

I took RT for a spin and love it. So much I think I will demo this where I work. We are a windows shop but Linux is creeping in. I try to inject Linux as much as I can. I just got our first TKL box in production today to host some dev software! 

That said, I should be able to spend some time at work on this side project. I'll post a new question in the support board on what my next steps should be.




Jeremy Davis's picture

I always love to hear stories of "Win shops" where "Linux creeps in"! :) I have done a bit of that myself at my old job (where I still do a bit of contract stuff) .

I look forward to helping where I can.

Ken Robinson's picture

I posted here the official start of this endeavor. Anyone wanting to help with build/test or suggestions are welcome. See above link to the post for the details.




Ken Robinson's picture

Anyone following this post, and/or are RT users. I would like input/feedback what I should use. if there is a very good reason or features in the 4.2 release that are not in the 4.0 release etc.. For reasons posted here, I am leaning for the 4.0 since it packaged. 

If anyone has a strong reason why 4.2 should be used instaed of 4.0, please post away! I will also look on the site, but I would like to hear from RT users.




Ken Robinson's picture

So, I'll be ready to test a TKL RT install in about 2-3 weeks. I am looking for people to test and give me feed back. So please post here if you would be willing to help test.

Also, I am looking for a good place to host the ISO files. Any suggestions?




Jeremy Davis's picture

I haven't been keeping a close eye on how you've been progressing but I really like the way you've gone about it. Pity that there hasn't been more feedback for you. I know for me in the past I have sometimes found that a little disheartening... Still onwards and upwards! :)

As for a place to upload, I would suggest the TurnKey Linux Community SourceForge page. I set it up ages ago back when I was still pretty new with TurnKey Linux... It hasn't had any love for quite sometime but it still exists... Have a look and if you think that's ok then we can go for it. If you want to make a SF user account I'm happy to add you so you can upload to it yourself; or if you can't be bothered with that if you can put it somewhere then I could transfer it to SF for you. Either way you can email me jeremy AT turnkeylinux.org

Ken Robinson's picture

Sounds good. I just created an account. (doc-cyblade)  Thanks for your help. 




Jeremy Davis's picture

I just added you as a 'developer'. I pretty sure that that should give you adequate permissions to create a new folder and upload your ISO. Let me know if you have any issues.

Ken Robinson's picture

I logged in, and I did not see any options to upload. Per this doc, you have to have admin or release tech permissions. 




Jeremy Davis's picture

Sorry about that. It has been so long I had forgotten about that... I obviously had to do the same thing for John (Carver) when I added him but don't remember doing it... You are now a 'Developer' and a 'Release Technician'...

TBH I think SF permissions are a little messy. I had given 'Developers' create and update permissions (which to me seemed like it would have allowed uploads and modifications) but obviously not. 'Release Technician' is not immediately visible, you have to go digging down a little to find it. Anyway...

Also FWIW I personally prefer to use SFTP. It's been a while but from memory you need to use some esoteric combo of your SF username and the project name as your SFTP username. Actually here are the docs. As a one off you may not find it that useful, but if you're uploading a few then I found it much better than the WebUI.

Ken Robinson's picture

Works! Thanks




Ken Robinson's picture

Alpha Released - Good news for those watching this thread. An Alpha release of Best Practical's Request Tracker 4.0

See this post for details 




Any updates on this project?  I don't see it listed as one of the Turnkey solutions available.  

Thanks in advance. 


Jeremy Davis's picture

He got tied up with work and moved onto other projects (like the Odoo appliance). The bones of it is there but it never got finished so never made it into the library. It'd be great to add it but at this point we need someone to push it forwards. If you're interested then I'm happy to help you as much as I can...

I started with Turnkey Core, then downloaded RT.  After "solving"* a LOT of dependency issues, I eventually got to a dependency issue I could not solve and gave up.  

Many of the dependencies were deprecated and replaced.  Some were components of packages - so finding which package was a challenge.  

*By "solving" I mean that I got the install to get past the step.  


Jeremy Davis's picture

How were you installing?

It's in the Debian package repos so that should be the easiest way to install it. Also I'd probably start with the LAMP appliance.

Ken has played with this more than me, but something like this should get you going in the right direction:

apt-get update
apt-get install request-tracker4 rt4-db-mysql rt4-apache2 rt4-clients

I suspect that Ken's Apache config file is still relevant or at least close. That should give you Request Tracker on http://IP_ADDRESS/rt. You may need to do some additional tweaks and/or adjustments but if you read /usr/share/doc/request-tracker4/NOTES.Debian then that should give you enough info to get it going...

Ken Robinson's picture



Just an update, this is still on may radar maybe next year after I get Mayan and invoice ninja apps done. If you want to follow my github repo to stay in the loop and/or watch this thread






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