I would use TKL Django and WordPress appliances respectively (rather than Core). That way you will be able to take full advantage if TKLBAM for backups (TKLBAM will only backup what is needed - if you use Core you will have larger backups unneccesarily).
As TKL v11.x is based on Ubuntu 10.04, assuming that your current appliances are using default locations for content and settings, you should only have to rsync content and settings files and dump/import the MySQL database(s). If your current deployments are set up 'properly' then most, if not all of your tweaks should also transfer across no worries.
I am happy to try to assist you (but no promises about final outcomes) with more fine grained help but it's probably better to start a new forum thread (I'll see it, but feel free to post a link to your new thread here too).
I would use the relevant TKL appliance for each
I would use TKL Django and WordPress appliances respectively (rather than Core). That way you will be able to take full advantage if TKLBAM for backups (TKLBAM will only backup what is needed - if you use Core you will have larger backups unneccesarily).
As TKL v11.x is based on Ubuntu 10.04, assuming that your current appliances are using default locations for content and settings, you should only have to rsync content and settings files and dump/import the MySQL database(s). If your current deployments are set up 'properly' then most, if not all of your tweaks should also transfer across no worries.
I am happy to try to assist you (but no promises about final outcomes) with more fine grained help but it's probably better to start a new forum thread (I'll see it, but feel free to post a link to your new thread here too).