Jeremy Davis's picture

According to the map (like you) I would have expected it to use the Virginia (us-east-1) datacentre...

However AFAIK the code also takes line latency into account. Like I posted some time ago (but just edited to fix a typo - in case you were wondering why it says today's date...), here in Australia (prior to the Sydney (ap-southeast-2) datacentre) Singapore (ap-southeast-1) was the closest datacentre (by far) and yet the Hub always directed me to California (us-west-1) which I thought was wrong. But following some testing and research I discovered that whilst California was almost twice the distance (compared to Singapore) the line latency was significantly better. Perhaps the same thing is happening for you?

Although perhaps there is a bug?

I suggest you do a bit of testing. And if it seems like a bug then we can post a bug on the TurnKey Issue Tracker.

You may have already come across them, but FWIW here are a few links that my be of value:

TurnKey Blog post:

TurnKey aws-datacenters source:

TechRepublic blog post: