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Submitted by Guest on Thu, 2014/05/08 - 16:01
We've recently signed up to use TKLBAM with Amazon S3, however, have noticed that the region detected is always to use the USA West Datacenters, however all of our systems are located in Eastern Canada (Nova Scotia to be exact -- about as far east as you can get).
If I understand correctly from other posts TKLBAM uses a GeoIP Database to determine the location to be used for backup. Wondering if perhaps there is a detection issue with Canadian IPs (or my location) or something that is causing this as I would presume this should be backing up to the USA East Datacenter?
Not sure on Canada
According to the map (like you) I would have expected it to use the Virginia (us-east-1) datacentre...
However AFAIK the code also takes line latency into account. Like I posted some time ago (but just edited to fix a typo - in case you were wondering why it says today's date...), here in Australia (prior to the Sydney (ap-southeast-2) datacentre) Singapore (ap-southeast-1) was the closest datacentre (by far) and yet the Hub always directed me to California (us-west-1) which I thought was wrong. But following some testing and research I discovered that whilst California was almost twice the distance (compared to Singapore) the line latency was significantly better. Perhaps the same thing is happening for you?
Although perhaps there is a bug?
I suggest you do a bit of testing. And if it seems like a bug then we can post a bug on the TurnKey Issue Tracker.
You may have already come across them, but FWIW here are a few links that my be of value:
TurnKey Blog post:
TurnKey aws-datacenters source:
TechRepublic blog post:
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