I'm not sure what happened as I'm sure that I replied to you ages ago. Obviously not...
Anyway, for some reason in my last response, I had in my head that this was the revision control appliance rather than Trac. That's why it didn't work... Deep apologies about that.
So looking a bit closer, it appears that in Debian Buster (latest 'stable'; basis of v16.x) Trac is v1.2.3. But the Trac Mercurial plugin that we were using is no longer packaged (the last release that included trac-mercurial was in Debian 8/Jessie - the basis of v14.x).
It does still appear though that the trac-mercurial plugin is still being developed. So that's something. In the releases and compatibility matrix it appears it should in theory be compatible. In Debian 10/Buster (basis of v16.x) Mercurial is v4.8.2 and as noted above, Trac version is v1.2.3. So the latest v1.0.0.9 TracMercurial plugin should be compatible (Trac support includes v1.2.x, Mercurial support includes v1.1.x to v5.1).
Unfortunately though, I'm not completely clear how you would install that into Trac installed via Debian packages. Unfortunately, it's so long since the trac-mercurial was packaged in Debian that I can't find the old package source to be able to get a better understanding of what might be required.
The TracMercurial docs note that you can install it via pip. I.e. this should hopefully work:
pip install TracMercurial
Hopefully that "just works" with your existing config!?! If not, then there is a fair bit more info on the TracMercurial plugin page. Hopefully that might help a bit? if you continue to have issues, please share any new error messages you encounter. Please also note what you've done (if you do any more specifics). If you need more help, please also provide an updated Apache log (after browsing to the URL).
Good luck and apologies again about the really slow response.
I'm so sorry for such a slow reply...
I'm not sure what happened as I'm sure that I replied to you ages ago. Obviously not...
Anyway, for some reason in my last response, I had in my head that this was the revision control appliance rather than Trac. That's why it didn't work... Deep apologies about that.
So looking a bit closer, it appears that in Debian Buster (latest 'stable'; basis of v16.x) Trac is v1.2.3. But the Trac Mercurial plugin that we were using is no longer packaged (the last release that included trac-mercurial was in Debian 8/Jessie - the basis of v14.x).
It does still appear though that the trac-mercurial plugin is still being developed. So that's something. In the releases and compatibility matrix it appears it should in theory be compatible. In Debian 10/Buster (basis of v16.x) Mercurial is v4.8.2 and as noted above, Trac version is v1.2.3. So the latest v1.0.0.9 TracMercurial plugin should be compatible (Trac support includes v1.2.x, Mercurial support includes v1.1.x to v5.1).
Unfortunately though, I'm not completely clear how you would install that into Trac installed via Debian packages. Unfortunately, it's so long since the trac-mercurial was packaged in Debian that I can't find the old package source to be able to get a better understanding of what might be required.
The TracMercurial docs note that you can install it via pip. I.e. this should hopefully work:
Hopefully that "just works" with your existing config!?! If not, then there is a fair bit more info on the TracMercurial plugin page. Hopefully that might help a bit? if you continue to have issues, please share any new error messages you encounter. Please also note what you've done (if you do any more specifics). If you need more help, please also provide an updated Apache log (after browsing to the URL).
Good luck and apologies again about the really slow response.