Chux Uzoeto's picture

Thanks for responding ..

The only thing you have done differently from what I have done is starting the CT via vzctl (I have been starting them first time via the vnc console)  ..

I have just tested canvas, by using vzctl to shut down the running CT, restarted via vzctl but I don't get the same result as you do (I don't get the init sections running).  Perhaps the first start via vzctl is significant ?

I get:

root@lab1:~# vzctl start 605
Starting container ...
Container is mounted
Setting CPU units: 1000
Setting CPUs: 1
/bin/cp: preserving permissions for `/etc/hosts.6': Operation not supported
 ERROR: Can't copy file /etc/hosts
Configure veth devices: veth605.0
Adding interface veth605.0 to bridge vmbr0 on CT0 for CT605
Container start in progress...

Generally, I also see issues pertaining to a $DISPLAY not being set when powering up via the proxmox GUI .. so, maybe first start via vzctl is indeed significant ..  OR perhaps these template images are corrupt, but I pulled them off the proxmox ve interfaces in the last few days. 

I will delete one of the images and start from scratch as a test, but the CT creation on proxmox takes hours to complete .. So, not something I am anthusiastic to try. 

Why do you reckon the creation of CTs takes such a long time on proxmox?  Perhaps something wrong with my setup?  FWIW, I have been creating the CTs with bridged networking and no fixed IP address