I rebuilt from the same images as I used previously (one with routed networking and the other with bridged) .. and I have exactly the same failure .. I guess that takes away the suspicion of network config being the problem
This time, first start was via vzctl, but I cannot even get a successful session via 'vzctl enter' .. so, it does seem like these images are indeed corrupt ..
In terms of the amount of time it takes to deploy these containers, again that is a massive departure from my experience .. I generally wait for the proxmox GUI to come back with an OK when building a CT, before attempting to use it. So, far I have not encountered a CT create session that completed in less than 2 hours ..
Perhaps my environment could be an issue: I run a cluster of 2 proxmox nodes, and storage (both images and CTs) comes off 2 low spec NAS (one on OmniOS/napp-it .. the other on zfsguru) .. I will have to run some tests and monitor CT creation to figure out where the delays are cominmg from.
In the meantime, I am downloading the images directly from sourceforge now .. will test again with fresh images and come back with some feedback.
Thanks again for your responses .. they have been very helpful.
I think these images are probably corrupt
I rebuilt from the same images as I used previously (one with routed networking and the other with bridged) .. and I have exactly the same failure .. I guess that takes away the suspicion of network config being the problem
This time, first start was via vzctl, but I cannot even get a successful session via 'vzctl enter' .. so, it does seem like these images are indeed corrupt ..
In terms of the amount of time it takes to deploy these containers, again that is a massive departure from my experience .. I generally wait for the proxmox GUI to come back with an OK when building a CT, before attempting to use it. So, far I have not encountered a CT create session that completed in less than 2 hours ..
Perhaps my environment could be an issue: I run a cluster of 2 proxmox nodes, and storage (both images and CTs) comes off 2 low spec NAS (one on OmniOS/napp-it .. the other on zfsguru) .. I will have to run some tests and monitor CT creation to figure out where the delays are cominmg from.
In the meantime, I am downloading the images directly from sourceforge now .. will test again with fresh images and come back with some feedback.
Thanks again for your responses .. they have been very helpful.